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Doing the Walk Yourself: Useful Links

Here's a collection of links to sites you may find useful when planning your own walk, as well as a selection of other people's End-to-End websites.


You don't want to carry too many books on your journey, but the following might help you with the planning stages. I can particularly recommend the first two as excellent starting points.

Please note that the above are affiliate links, from which I may earn a commission.

Planning Your Own Walk

If you're planning your own walk, you might find the following links useful. Also, make sure you check out the list of other walkers' accounts below, as they're really useful too.


You don't have to join a club or register your walk, but if you'd like an official certificate proving that you've done your walk, the following links might be useful.

Accounts by Other Walkers

If you're planning your own End-to-End walk, then reading about other people's experiences is essential. Here's a selection of blogs and websites covering other people's walks across Britain. If you're planning your own walk or you've already completed LEJOG and you're not listed, let me know and I'll be very happy to add you.

Ongoing Walks

Planned Walks

Completed Walks

Congratulations to everyone who has completed their own walk across Britain, and if you know of anyone who has managed the walk but isn't listed here, do let me know.

Other Walks

This list contains incomplete walks (which are well worth reading as they show how tough this walk is), blogs that seem to have dried up, and websites that don't specifically cover the End-to-End walk but which may still be of interest to LEJOG walkers.

If you have a website or blog about your walk, drop me a note and I'll add you to the list.