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About Me: My Walks

I did all except one of my long-distance walks while already travelling (you can find out more about my travels on my travel writing website). What started off as a fun way to spend the day slowly graduated into a fun way to spend a week, and by the time I got to New Zealand, one of the best destinations on this planet for aspiring long-distance walkers, I was well and truly hooked.

Australia and New Zealand

Although I'd thought about going on a long-distance walk for some time, it wasn't until I met an Australian park ranger, Scott, that I finally broke out into walks that required an overnight stay out in the wilderness. That first bushwalk, which Scott and I did back in , opened my eyes. I've never looked back.


From Australia my itinerary took me to Indonesia, where the awesome bulk of Gunung Rinjani (Mt Rinjani) proved an incredible place to trek. For the first time I was trekking alone, without a map and without a real grasp of the local language, and the thrill it added was enough to persuade me to go on a hike through Sulawesi's Bada Valley, where ancient megaliths sit in farmers' fields, their origins shrouded in mystery. What an incredible place.


Once I returned from the three-year trip that gave birth to all the walks above, I didn't go walking for a while, mainly because it's hard to pack long-distance walking in the same suitcase as a career, a relationship and a city lifestyle. However in I opted out of the rat race once again, and by I'd decided to take on the biggest walking challenge of my life, to walk the long way across Britain.


Clearly unable to sit still for long, I soon polished off the Capital Ring, the London Loop's little brother, and then wondered what it would be like to walk across London rather than round it... which led me to spend the summer of 2008 walking the entire London Underground network, overground, line by line and station to station.